
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Charges and Rewards

Charges and Rewards is another Loan Performer feature that facilitates the charging or rewarding of several client accounts in an instance. This is useful especially if you have charges that are levied on groups of accounts at a given time for example, if all accounts are charged with ledger fees then this can be accomplished using this feature. It is also possible to reward a range of accounts with a specific amount.

How to levy charges and pay rewards to clients

To charge or reward clients you go to Savings/Charges and Rewards and a screen as the one below will be seen:

Specify the GL Account to which these charges will be booked from the GL Accounts scroll window. The GL account number will automatically be populated in the To be booked to account text box. e.g. “440125”

Click on the Save button to complete the transaction. A Loan Performer dialog displays the number of accounts to be charged and the total charge amount, e.g., "6". and " 30,000"

Click on the Yes button to charge the accounts. (The accounts are charged and a dialog prompting for a print out is displayed)

Click on the Yes button to preview the accounts charged. The report will look as follows:

Close the preview window or print dialog. (Loan Performer prompts for a posting of the transactions to the accounts).

Click on the Yes button to post the transactions. The charges will be booked to the various accounts. You can view a report on charges and rewards for given period at Savings ->Savings Reports ->Savings Transactions Report.

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